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PeterL[_17_] PeterL[_17_] is offline
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Posts: 1,239
Default (2009-11-02) NS-RFC: So, how was it?

Omelet > wrote in newsmpomelet-4F2641.21104204112009

> In article >,
> PeterL > wrote:
>> Here, if you want to see an ortho, you go to your local GP and say,

>> me a referral to such-and-such Specialist."
>> He writes out a referral letter and either rings up and makes an
>> appoinment for you, or you do it yourself.
>> You turn up at the ortho appointment with the letter, and away you go!!

> Um, that's exactly the way I did it.

> I pay out around $100.00 per month payroll deduction for my insurance.

Even my pooch has her own Health/Life insurance. She's had it since she
was 10 weeks old.

It saved me a *packet* when she was a 'youngster' and blew her cruciate

Her's is the same as ours, they pay 80% of any bills.

But her's is only about $35 a month.

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?