Ciabatta Fail
Giusi wrote:
> "Ravenlynne" ha scritto nel messaggio
> >I am participating in a blog challenge where we bake each bread
> from> Peter Reinhart's book "The Bread Baker's Apprentice".....Today
> was >Ciabatta. It was fun to try but I doubt I"ll do it again. NOt
> terribly> difficult, but IMO not worth it.
> It sounds like you too prefer the results with wetter doughs. I'm
> sold. Have you read the description of the way the ciabatta entered
> the oven in Rome in "The Man Who Ate Everything"? It's a sloppy
> dough, too.
Thinking back, the dough I made yesterday wasn't all that wet...that
may be part of the problem.
No I haven't read it..sound like a good read.