Bell's vs Penzey's poultry seasoning
On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 09:19:59 -0800, TammyM wrote:
> notbob wrote:
>> Due to some bizarre location warp, I cannot get Bell's (B-E-L-L-'S)
>> Poultry Seasoning (P-O-U-L-T-R-Y S-E-A-S-O-N-I-N-G), here (GASP!
>> (G-A-S-P)). I know. It's enough to make one move. Anyway, I'm
>> considering buying some Penzeys (P-E-N-Z-E-Y-S) poultry seasoning
>> (FOR USE IN POULTRY STUFFING (S-T-U-F-F-I-N-G)). Is Penzeys pretty
>> good?
>> nb
> Yes.
> Why are you being a buttwipe? (B-U-T-T-W-I-P-E)
> TammyM
most likely force of habit.
your pal,