Golden Corral's 9th annual Military Appreciation Monday
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Golden Corral's 9th annual Military Appreciation Monday
> On Nov 12, 1:24 pm, piedmont > wrote:
>> My fiancee (21 years in US Air Force Master Sargent - Medical Admin.)
>> and I (4 years US Navy Air Traffic Controller) went to the Applebee's
>> Veteran Day Appreciation, I had three cheese/chicken/penne and she the
>> 7oz. steak and all was good food. One hour waiting and we ended up
>> sharing a table with a Marine vet from ten years before our time,
>> Vietnam vet. A good time was had by all,
>> We heard about this at Golden Corral and McCormick and Scmidts had a
>> free dinner on Sunday but we couldn't go.
>> Military Appreciation Monday
>> Free "Thank You" Dinner
>> Monday, Nov. 16, 2009,
>> 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
>> Golden Corral's 9th annual Military Appreciation Monday dinner will be
>> held on Monday, November 16, 2009, from 5 to 9 pm in all Golden Corral
>> restaurants nationwide.
>> The free dinner meal is a special "thank you tribute" to any person who
>> has ever served in the United States Military. If you are a veteran,
>> retired, currently serving, in the National Guard or Reserves, you are
>> invited to join us for Golden Corral's Military Appreciation Monday dinner.
>> To date, Golden Corral restaurants have provided over 2.2 million free
>> meals and contributed over $3.3 million to the Disabled Am...
> Oh boy, free leftovers (they serve all the crap they couldn't sell
> over the weekend buffets).....Golden Corral is so frickin' gross it
> should be outlawed.
I find that it depends upon the manager at the individual stores, some
GC's (same goes for Ryan's)are adequate and some are terrible and some
nights at the same one it can be great and next night gross. I hate it
when I go and it's kids eat free night, smells like a herd of wet dogs!
I swear I'll walk out if I ever find it's kid's eat free night. I can't
rid the image from my mind of kids (let alone what one might classify as
an adult)that have picked their noses and other intimate parts grabbing
the same serving spoon! LOL
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