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pure kona pure kona is offline
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Posts: 397
Default Red Sweet Potatoes

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 12:58:17 -0500, "Zeppo" > wrote:

>I Picked up a few pounds of red sweet potatoes to experiment with at the
>Korean market a few weeks ago, and was trying to figure out a way to cook
>them. They are probably the driest sweet potatoes I've ever worked with.
>I've tried them nuked, baked, boiled and steamed and fried, but nothing
>seems to say 'this is it'. They have a fairly sweet taste, but are so dry
>the texture is not very pleasing.
>I haven't been able to find any recipes specific to this type of potato that
>would give me a clue how they are supposed to be used. The closest I could
>get to identifying the variety is something called the 'White Delight' from
>Anyone use this type of potato with any success?

They look like our sweet potatoes- Hawaiian sweet potatoes. I have
found the very best way to prepare our kind and the fabulous Okinawan
sweet potatoes (purple on the inside) we get all the time, is to wrap
them tightly in foil and bake them until you can sort of squish the
tin foil. About an hour or so. (Steaming etc. just does not work.)

When done, the flavor is superb and sweet potatoes are nutritionally
fabulous as well.
