"Hi, my name is Shaun..."
"~misfit~" wrote
> Sqwertz wrote:
> I'm not playing the innocent. alt.bittorrent is not a 'pro-piracy circle'.
> Choose your words more carefully.
> I appreciated your advice BTW.
>> OK, so maybe it's not _software_ piracy, but I'd bet you're not
>> downloading 100% legit media from Demonoid.
> Is Demonoid back up? Actually the last thing I downloaded from there was
> an XP Home ISO so I could re-install on a laptop that wasn't supplied with
> media, just a COA.
> That's great for you. Just a word to the wise; Just because I read and
> post in alt.bittorrent doesn't make me a piracy advocate.
Much as I hate to get involved in this sort of thing, the laws where you
are, are quite different from some other lands. Downloading an XP ISO when
you already have your COA, is totally *legal* in your country as well as
many others. If it sqicks out USA folks, it's because the lack experience
in the laws of other lands.
Even in the USA, if you have a *legal* COA (Certificate of Authority to the
rest), it can be applied to an ISO. But I'm going to dive out of this
thread fast as USA folks tend to get extremely USA centric on this one.
They tend to assume that what they 'know' is all there is to know and anyone
who doesnt conform to their view, is a pirate.