Thread: The Poo Review
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Doodyman Doodyman is offline
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Default The Poo Review

Previously posted as the Diabetic Bowel Movement Daily.

Guess what folks, I'm back and I have exciting news. I have been saving
my diabetic bowel movements in a 55 gallon drum over the past 5 months
(thats a lot of poo) and I'm going to pour out that baby, analyze the
contents, and post my findings. Even though this is not a binary group,
I'm going to post some full 1080p high definition photographs, too!!!
Imagine, 55 gallons of doody all spread out in a two car garage with
several people on their hands and knees studying the consistency, odor,
and color of all that poo!

The poo on the bottom has been fermenting in there for 5 months, so the
odor is likely to be a tad bit ripe but as this is for scientific
purposes, no cost is too high.

I've even obtained a Python script to rotate my nym, subject lines, and
choice of posting server daily to insure that any accidental blockings
do not prevent those interested in tracking my Poo Review from closely
following my research.

One of the experiments I have planned include mixing a little hydrogen
peroxide and denatured ethyl alcohol with my poo, stirring it together,
heating it up, and blowing the fumes at passers by on the street to
study their reaction. I predict some exciting statistics are forthcoming!

Hopefully, this will start a trend and diabetics all across the world
will begin saving their bowel movements for scientific experimentation.

Best luck!