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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Request: Shrimp Salad

Dave Smith wrote:
> Steve Pope wrote:
>> Jean B. > wrote:
>>> Shrimp w green goddess dressing, and celery for crunch. Served in
>>> avocado shell. I used to do a similar thing with crab, so I am
>>> thinking it would also be good with shrimp.

>> What exactly is meant by an avocado shell?

> If you get an avocado shrimp salad in a restaurant around it is usually
> a peeled half avocado with a spoonful of shrimp salad where the pit was.
> It is usually pretty disappointing. When my wife ordered one in a
> hotel restaurant near in Verdun France it was an entire avocado sliced
> and laid in a circle around a pile of shrimp salad and a dozen peel and
> eat shrimp on top. It was supposed to be the appetizer, but by the time
> she finished it she was stuffed, and it was too late to cancel the steak
> that she had ordered.

Eerm, I wasn't envisioning a microscopic amount of shrimp salad.

Jean B.