Request: Shrimp Salad
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Request: Shrimp Salad
On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 04:56:43 +0000 (UTC),
(Steve Pope) wrote:
>sf > wrote:
>>1 1/4 lb medium sized cooked shrimp; peeled and deveined
>So what type / quality level of shrimp do you use in
>such a salad? Shrimp is really variable in my experience.
>I suspect the best might be line-caught shrimp, sauteed
>and then peeled/deveined. Lots of work for a lot of people
>though. (Boiled instead of sauteed might be okay,
>but IME boiled shrimp are more rubbery, as are pre-cooked.)
We get good quality shrimp here, so I buy what's a good price at
the time. If I don't feel like peeling, I'll buy a bag of preshelled
shrimp and if I buy bigger shrimp, I cut them into rounds about a half
and inch long.
FYI: I don't have a problem with precooked shrimp, probably because I
don't reheat them.
My issue with shrimp is having them taste like the sea. To do that,
I'll soak them in acidulated water, rinse and then give them a long
soak in salted water. I usually do that with raw shrimp, but it works
with precooked too.
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