Menure Cennoisseur
Doodymon wrote:
> Doodyman wrote:
>> Project Poo Bear
>> November 19, 2009
>> Following a massive bowel movement to top off the 55 gallon drum of
>> doody I've been amassing over the past 5 months, I have added 5
>> gallons of ethyl alcohol, 1 gallon of hydrogen peroxide, stirred it
>> in, and sealed the barrel. In 24 hours, I will crack the top off,
>> stir it all up again, and pour it into a 6 sand boxes set up in my
>> garage. One window on the west side and one window on the east side
>> of the garage will be opened, one industrial fan will be deployed
>> blowing to the west, and we will begin filming the reactions of the
>> passers by as the poopy smell competes with the odor of hamburgers and
>> french fries from greasy spoons on the other side of the street.
>> More to come, so stay tuned!
> Project Poo Bear
> November 20, 2009
> (((WHEW!!!)))
> After 24 hours of fermenting in a sealed 55 gallon drum, the poopy and
> aromatic catalyst additives are now baking in sunlight shining in on 6
> sandboxes filled with the doo doo mix. The fetid stench was so awful we
> had to wear gas masks while pouring and once we turned on the wind
> tunnel, people down wind immediately began puking on the sidewalk. We
> hired a fat guy to stand on the corner and make fart noises as people
> walked into the doody gas stream, the funniest reaction yet was a little
> girl being held by her mother pointing at him and starting to cry.
> Ladies & gents, this is the power of diabetic doo doo. The pungent
> aroma has caused at least 3 dozen people to spontaneously throw up with
> two folks exhibiting the ever elusive projectile vomit demonstration we
> so sought after in college.
> The smell.... well, lets just say it was thicker than cheese and the
> fast food joint across the street emptied OUT with customers running in
> all directions.
> More to come, so stay tuned!
Project Poo Bear
November 21, 2009
Those who have relentlessly followed my diabetic bowel movement blogs
undoubtedly appreciate the sheer volume of food I can put away and
consequently the massive volume of excrement I can produce but I take
poo poo production to another level by consuming certain foodstuffs to
make the smell as pungent as possible.
Breathsavers breath mints have a sugar alcohol that just brings out the
ripeness of any bowel movement as well as making me quite flatulent.
The stench of the brown notes from my rear tuba have caused hard core
exconvicts to flee in mortal awe.
Beans, contrary to popular belief, do not cause smelly gas. The flatus
produced by beans can be voluminous but is typically quite mundane so
legumes should be used strictly as a volume producer, not an odor booster.
Bran flakes, dried apricots, and those high fiber FiberOne bars when
supplemented with ex-lax chocolates and breath savers breath mints
produce some of the most noxious flatulence I have ever experienced and
if I can't stand the stench of my own farts, what do you think the stink
is gunna do to someone else?
Leave them in elevators, leave them in closed rooms, unload into
people's beds and couches and let them experience the dutch oven effect.
Being a poo bear can be loads of fun!