"l, not -l" > wrote in message
> On 24-Nov-2009, Manda Ruby > wrote:
>> What would happen if Hihgly Active Yeast is used in place of regular
>> Active yeast in making Indian flat bread (naan)? The recipe I plan to
>> use is from youtube video by Manjula. She uses regular, I think, She
>> lets the dough sit for 6 hours before baking it.
> Highly Active Yeast is another name for Rapid Rise; the info from
> Fleischman's site (http://breadworld.com/products.aspx) says.
> * Reduces rising time by as much as 50% by eliminating the first rise
> * Instant yeast designed for mixing directly with other dry ingredients
> before use
> * Can be used in all your recipes (even those before RapidRiseT Yeast -
> introduced in 1984)
> * For use in your oven or bread machine
> * Available in strip of three 1/4 oz. envelopes
> * Same as Instant and Bread Machine Yeast
> Key words a reduces rising time, mix directly with other ingredients.
> Without seeing the recipe you are wanting to use, the best help I can
> offer
> is:
> - you don't need to proof (mix with water and let work up a foam) the
> yeast before adding it to your flour and other ingredients
> - if the recipe says something like "let rise 3 hours until doubled";
> don't go by the time, watch it and when it's doubled in size, move on
> --
> Change Cujo to Juno in email address.
Thanks for spelling this out again for those of us that didn't catch on the
first time. ;-)