Thread: Sweet potatoes
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Sweet potatoes

In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:

> There have been many comments on sweet potatoes in the last week or so.
> Here's a link to where they originated, etc. Note: There is a big
> difference between true yams and sweet potatoes. Remember that the term
> "Yam" as applied in the US was dreamed up by the Louisiana Agriculture
> folks as a means of marketing sweet taters grown in Louisiana.
> OB: food content furthered. The lemon meringue pie is on the counter
> cooling, the cornbread is made for the dressing, the russet potatoes are
> baking in the oven to make twice baked potatoes, and we're doing as much
> as we can today instead of tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to all who
> celebrate.

Most food has been purchased and dropped over at Sisters place. She's
doing the cooking this year, along with the brother in law. I'm not
worried, both are excellent cooks.

Sides I'm planning on bringing over, grilled baby Calabaza squash (aka
Mexican Zucchini) and Insalata Caprice with fresh herb infused Balsamic

I also will supply Olives and baby kosher dills.

Yesterday I dropped off white corn on the cob, yams, red skinned
potatoes, oysters (for Chas's Oyster dressing) and the turkey is still
here (23 lbs.) as I have more refrigerator space for the brining Chas
wants to do.
Peace! Om

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