Dumb Question - Cooking Sausage in Microwave
>> Jedi Master CK > wrote:
>>> I have fresh italian sausage that I want uncut on the side for
>>> spaghetti and red sauce...
>>> Can I simply cook the sausage link in the microwave? If yes, how long
>>> do I cook it for in the microwave? Until it reaches 170 degrees?
>> You'll at least need to pierce the sausage with a pork in several
>> places. If you don't cut the sausage or pierce it with a fork to break
>> the seal of the sausage skin, it will possibly explode in your
>> microwave oven and make a terrible mess.
>> Why not just put the sausage in a saute pan and pan fry it for a few
>> minutes? You'll get a much tastier result that way with only a modest
>> amount of additional time and effort, compared to microwaving it.
>Didn't you hear? His 4 year old doesn't like "crusty" browned sausage. Not
>that she could possibly tell the difference once it has finish cooking in
>the sauce, but apparently she rules the kitchen.
You are the one that ASSumed there is a sauce simmering...
Try reading My original question and answering that actual
question about microwaving - that's all I asked...
And you really do have a serious attitude problem... Maybe
you should ask your shrink why you get so upset about children...