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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Hypoglycemia was Fleischmann's Yeast: Regular vs. Active

"Dan Abel" wrote,
> "cshenk" wrote:

>> insulin to deal with it. Instead, your body produces too much insulin in
>> reaction to an influx of blood glucose causing a 'crash' in blood sugar
>> from
>> 2-6 hours later if the rise is too rapid.

> I took the GTT three times, all more than thirty years ago. I renamed
> it to the Glucose Torture Test. Back then I was diagnosed as diabetic,
> but I still crashed pretty hard. The last two times I took the test,
> the tech refused to finish it, and told me to go get something to eat!

HeheheI'm with you! Seriously though, I only had trouble for a little while
when I first moved out from home and was eating cakes and sweets like my
roomates. Once i stopped that and went back to my earlier eating styles,
the problem ceased to bother me much.

Classic Diabetic there! You 'spike' then crash eventually. Me, I never
really 'spike' (I never hit 100 for example, just slowly rose from 86 or so
to 98, then held fairly well in the 90's until the crash.)

> My pancreas no longer gives that "flood" of insulin. I get mine out of
> a needle now.

Sorry to hear that!

>> Best bet: Try to eat a nibble every 4 hours. This 'evens the load'. If
>> you feel 'shocky' do not grab a candybar (will cycle up for a bit then
>> spiral worse down). Grab some saltines or wheat thins or any other
>> NON-SWEET item.

I presume the above works somewhat for a diabetic as well? A little
something every 4 hours?
I know there are differences in what the 'little something' should be.

> I was having some lows a few months back. I talked to my doctor and got
> a little kit. I trained my wife and kids on how to use it. It's only
> for use when I've passed out, so I can't inject myself, and they can't
> give me anything by mouth when I'm unconscious. The doctor's
> instructions are for them to inject me, and then immediately call the
> paramedics. You might talk to your doctor about getting one.

Naw, diet controlled works perfectly for me. As long as I don't 'cheat' too
often (and am not a sweets type person so that's easy for me) or too much
I'm fine. I just have to remember to have some triscuits etc a few hours
later to even the load.