Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> jt august > wrote:
>> I am looking for a particular kind of candy, but I don't know what it is
>> called. These are hollow molded chocolates, usually milk chocolate,
>> filled with liquors. My parents discovered these in Europe in the 80's,
>> and at the time, they were a banned product in the USA. Sometime in the
>> 90's or early 2000's, something was changed, and for a while I could by
>> them at May Co. department stores like Famous-Barr here in St. Louis.
>> (Macy's doesn't carry them, so this has not been an option for me since
>> the corporate takeover).
>> Most important is I need to know what these filled chocolates are
>> called, and if any St. Louisans in the forum know where I can find some
>> locally, that would be a nice bonus.
> Last time I went to Costco, I saw a big box (of course) in the candy
> area. I wasn't interested, so don't have any details. Try this URL:
> http://www.costco.com/Warehouse/loca...op_Right_Nav1-
> _-Top_locations&topnav=&whse=BC&lang=en-US
> If it doesn't work for you, it showed five warehouses in your area.
Costco usually carries these for Christmas. ALthough many
companies make them, I think Costco's are Anton Berg brand.
If you can';t make it to Costco, try any good mall candy shop.
gloria p