Dave Smith wrote:
> Food SnobŪ wrote:
> > On Dec 1, 3:06 pm, Becca > wrote:
> >
> >
> >> 2) Meatloaf
> >
> > Recession food.
> Maybe for some people. I make meatloaf because I like it. I have had
> meatloaf that I would not want to have to eat, but mine is pretty good.
> I have also had meatloaf in restaurants that was incredible. I wish mine
> was as good.
Poking around on Wikipedia, I found this:
It's sort of a meatloaf that's been battered and
deep-fried. Sounds horrible to me, but I wouldn't
be surprised if it could be popularized in this
country. If I were a sociopath, I'd consider
starting a fast-food restaurant to sell this.
I wonder if I'd ever have to buy any frying fat?
Maybe the "red pudding" itself would render out
enough to maintain the level in the fryer.
I like that euphemistic name. Sounds better
than "cheap meat fat roll".