Substitutes for buttermilk in Italy?
Giusi wrote:
> "ViLco" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> Many regulars here have been to italy, and Giusi is living here too, so
>> I'll > try to ask what can I use as a substitute for buttermilk here in
>> Italy.
>> From what I heard on another NG it's cultured skim milk, or 1% fat milk, >
>> obtained by acidification of said milk.s there something in Italy which
>> gets close to that? What?
> Nothing is just right, Vilco. I either sour milk using lemon juice or
> vinegar which at least provides the acid some recipes need, or I use kaffir
> from the Lebanese butcher. I have a friend in Calabria who uses siero di
> latte and says that's the right thing, but since we don't have that here I
> can't back her up.
> I brought back some powdered buttermilk but in the humidity of Umbria it
> bacame one block before I had used it twice. It at least had the flavor if
> not the consistency.
Even the envelopes had that problem?
Jean B.