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pavane[_3_] pavane[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 941
Default Airline take-on box?

"Michael Horowitz" > wrote in message
| Having just flown IAD-ABQ and noticed the in-flight box lunches they
| offer, I was wondering what you pack to eat during the flight.
| Can't be anything TSA wouldn't allow, so a bottle of water is out, but
| sliced tomato with mozzarella and balsamic vinegar is in, as is a
| small pack of carrots; a candelabra is out; crackers, cheese, salami
| is good; buy wine on board. a cookie is good.
| Ideas?

I had come across this article a few months ago, very relevant to
your posting. Personally I would sit quietly in sheer terror between
takeoff and landing, but that is due to a personal thing.
