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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Airline take-on box?

On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 13:18:14 -0800, Ranee at Arabian Knits
> wrote:

>In article >,
> sf > wrote:
>> Why do people want to eat on a flight that is less than 5 hours long?
>> Watch a movie instead, eat in the airport before you take off if you
>> want to eat that badly. Airport food is pretty good over all and not
>> very expensive anymore. I had a fabulous burrito at O'Hare the last
>> time I flew through there.

> Because you had to be at the airport 2 hours before, which required
>getting up 2 or 3 hours before that, depending on how long your drive or
>bus ride is to the airport. And the flight was at 5:48 a.m., so you're
>not exactly interested in eating before then. Or it is at 3:00 p.m. and
>you don't want to eat dinner at 2:00. You can usually make better food
>for less money than you'd pay at the airport (and no, I'm not counting
>property tax, mortgage/rent or power in that), or you are looking for
>something specific to eat. There are a lot of reasons to bring food.

It takes 5 hours to fly from the West Coast to the East Coast (IAD-ABQ
is only 4 hours). If we take a 6AM plane, we can either eat before we
get on the plane of wait until we get off and we aren't going to

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