Airline take-on box?
sf wrote on Thu, 03 Dec 2009 13:52:13 -0800:
>> In article >,
>> "James Silverton" > wrote:
>>> I'd suggest that your notions of expense are delusional.
>>> Routine food at twice its real value seems to be the norm at
>>> airports.
>> She also lives in the Bay Area, which may just have far
>> more inflated costs than other places.
> My server doesn't have James' post yet or I would reply
> directly to him. I think his idea of what constitutes
> reasonable prices are only slightly short of goofy.
> I ate in a sit down restaurant at the Washington DC airport in
> late September and the (lunch-dinner) food was reasonable. I
> don't require McDonald's-like prices to say they are
> reasonable. I will say that you do need read more than one
> menu and choose where to eat - if you eat at the first airport
> restaurant you see, don't complain about the bill.
The servers are acting up I think but does anyone think that Subway
charging twice its regular prices is reasonable? It is not necessary to
tell me that the airport authority may be the culprit charging Subway
and other places outragious rents.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: