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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Airline take-on box?

On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 17:10:24 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>sf wrote:
>> On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 15:32:37 -0500, Michael Horowitz
>> > wrote:
>>> Having just flown IAD-ABQ and noticed the in-flight box lunches they
>>> offer, I was wondering what you pack to eat during the flight.
>>> Can't be anything TSA wouldn't allow, so a bottle of water is out, but
>>> sliced tomato with mozzarella and balsamic vinegar is in, as is a
>>> small pack of carrots; a candelabra is out; crackers, cheese, salami
>>> is good; buy wine on board. a cookie is good.

>> Why do people want to eat on a flight that is less than 5 hours long?
>> Watch a movie instead, eat in the airport before you take off if you
>> want to eat that badly. Airport food is pretty good over all and not
>> very expensive anymore. I had a fabulous burrito at O'Hare the last
>> time I flew through there.

>It is not just the flight time. There is the time it takes to get to the
>airport, being there early, layovers, possible delays. Last we we flew
> Estonia and Scandinavia. That involved leaving here to an airport and
>hour and a half from home and allowing extra time for traffic problems
>and to get parking lot and over to the airport 2-3 hours ahead of the
>flight time. A few years before that we flew Buffalo to Denver with a
>connection in Cleveland. It is at least an hour to the airport, provided
>that it is clear sailing through the border, which it often isn't. We
>were told to be there an hour before the flight. We had a layover in
>Cleveland, then another 3 hour flight. The food on each of the two
>flights snacks. I suppose we could have had some expensive crappy fast
>food at the airport. While flying time was four hours total, it was more
>like 8 hours from the time we left home until we arrived very hungry in

Not relevant and a sob story I can top. The OP was about a FOUR hour
flight IAD-ABQ.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.