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PeterL[_17_] PeterL[_17_] is offline
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Default Airline take-on box?

"Nancy Young" > wrote in news:IiZRm.17070$Dl4.2215

> jmcquown wrote:
>> "Michael Horowitz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Having just flown IAD-ABQ and noticed the in-flight box lunches they
>>> offer, I was wondering what you pack to eat during the flight.
>>> Can't be anything TSA wouldn't allow, so a bottle of water is out,
>>> but sliced tomato with mozzarella and balsamic vinegar is in, as is a
>>> small pack of carrots; a candelabra is out; crackers, cheese, salami
>>> is good; buy wine on board. a cookie is good.
>>> Ideas? - Mike

>> Cheese & crackers. Don't know about salami.

> A little rough on the rest of the passengers, I would stick with
> something that doesn't smell too much.
>> LOL Cookies are good
>> Brownies, maybe. Chips.

> I bring some candies and cheese & crackers. And water.
> nancy

Internal flights, you allowed to carry bottled water, international
flights, no.

We have two budget airlines, Virgin Blue and Jetstar, that (in a pinch)
will allow to take your own food on board. I also know that AirAsia
(internal in Malaysia) does as well.

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?