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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Airline take-on box?

"gloria.p" > wrote in message
> Michael Horowitz wrote:
>> Having just flown IAD-ABQ and noticed the in-flight box lunches they
>> offer, I was wondering what you pack to eat during the flight.
>> Can't be anything TSA wouldn't allow, so a bottle of water is out, but
>> sliced tomato with mozzarella and balsamic vinegar is in, as is a
>> small pack of carrots; a candelabra is out; crackers, cheese, salami
>> is good; buy wine on board. a cookie is good. Ideas? - Mike

> A lot depends on the layout of your airport.
> You can't take a bottle of water or other drink through security but you
> CAN take an empty bottle through then fill it at a drinking fountain or
> (sometimes) a fast food restaurant on the other side of security in the
> gate area.
> You could take a sandwich or salad, fruit, raw vegetables,
> cookies or brownies. The nearby passengers will thank you for NOT
> bringing anything very smelly on board.
> The airlines no longer serve peanuts, but I once sat next to a guy who
> worked for one of the big food companies (General Mills, maybe?) and he
> opened his briefcase and hauled out a large bag of shelled peanuts, ripped
> them open and ate the whole thing. (Maybe his were SPECIAL non-allergenic
> peanuts?)
> gloria p

I was surprised to get a bag of mixed nuts on a flight from Memphis.
Apparently some airlines don't care about nut allergies.
