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Stan Horwitz Stan Horwitz is offline
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Default Airline take-on box?

In article >,
"James Silverton" > wrote:

> sf wrote on Thu, 03 Dec 2009 13:01:58 -0800:
> >> Having just flown IAD-ABQ and noticed the in-flight box
> >> lunches they offer, I was wondering what you pack to eat
> >> during the flight. Can't be anything TSA wouldn't allow, so a
> >> bottle of water is out, but sliced tomato with mozzarella and
> >> balsamic vinegar is in, as is a small pack of carrots; a
> >> candelabra is out; crackers, cheese, salami is good; buy wine
> >> on board. a cookie is good.
> >>

> > Why do people want to eat on a flight that is less than 5
> > hours long? Watch a movie instead, eat in the airport before
> > you take off if you want to eat that badly. Airport food is
> > pretty good over all and not very expensive anymore. I had a
> > fabulous burrito at O'Hare the last time I flew through there.

> I'd suggest that your notions of expense are delusional. Routine food at
> twice its real value seems to be the norm at airports.

That's not been my experience. In PHL, the food prices at the
restaurants are priced the same as anywhere else in the city. I fly a
few times a year. The food at most airports is higher than in the
nearest city, but I wouldn't say its double the price. Besides, on a
trip that requires air travel, paying an extra few dollars of a sandwich
or something else at an airport isn't worth worrying about.

For example, if a salad or a sandwich costs an extra $1 or $2 at an
airport, is that really such a big deal?