Most popular recipe searches on Google for 2009
blake murphy wrote:
> On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 19:13:04 -0800, Ranée at Arabian Knits wrote:
>> In article >,
>> Becca > wrote:
>>> 1) Chili
>>> 2) Meatloaf
>>> 3) Cheesecake
>>> 4) Banana Bread
>>> 5) Pancakes
>>> Out their top five, I have searched for a couple of these.
>> I don't think I've searched on any of these. I'm actually
>> surprised by that.
> i've searched 'omelet' a couple of times.
> i keep getting back some screwball who talks about guns and her
> chiro' all the time.
> (just teasing, toots. don't hurt me.)
Fer xmas Om is gonna put ANN COULTER under yer bed, blake...!!!