Airline take-on box?
On Dec 3, 4:42*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 13:18:14 -0800, Ranee at Arabian Knits
> > wrote:
> >In article >,
> > sf > wrote:
> >> Why do people want to eat on a flight that is less than 5 hours long?
> >> Watch a movie instead, eat in the airport before you take off if you
> >> want to eat that badly. *Airport food is pretty good over all and not
> >> very expensive anymore. *I had a fabulous burrito at O'Hare the last
> >> time I flew through there.
> > * Because you had to be at the airport 2 hours before, which required
> >getting up 2 or 3 hours before that, depending on how long your drive or
> >bus ride is to the airport. *And the flight was at 5:48 a.m., so you're
> >not exactly interested in eating before then. *Or it is at 3:00 p.m. and
> >you don't want to eat dinner at 2:00. *You can usually make better food
> >for less money than you'd pay at the airport (and no, I'm not counting
> >property tax, mortgage/rent or power in that), or you are looking for
> >something specific to eat. *There are a lot of reasons to bring food.
> It takes 5 hours to fly from the West Coast to the East Coast (IAD-ABQ
> is only 4 hours). *If we take a 6AM plane, we can either eat before we
> get on the plane of wait until we get off and we aren't going to
> starve.
> --
> I love cooking with wine.
> Sometimes I even put it in the food.
That's fine for you. Some people want or need to eat every few hours.
Some people prefer to eat on the plane to help pass the time. Why do
you care? Why is YOUR way the ONLY RIGHT WAY for people to behave?
Frankly, I find crying babies, whiney 4 year olds who kick the seats
in front of them, smelly unwashed grownups and the fat guy who really
should have bought two seats so he wouldn't have to stuff himself into
the narrow middle seat, all much more offensive and irritating than
people who enjoy a sandwich or some cheese and crackers on an