Question from a Newbie
Hi, My name is John. I have been lurking here for a while and I would like
to ask a question. I am planning to vacuum can some carrots tommorrow . This
will be my first try at vacuum canning. I will start out with quart jars. My
question is in regards to Raw Pack vs Hot Pack. I have 50 lbs of carrots to
can. Many of the carrots are large (1.5-2.00 inches in diameter). My plan
was to chunk 9 1.00 x 1.500 inches) the larger carrots for stews and
either slice (.25 inch) or dice (.500 inch) the smaller parts for soups.What
is the reason for having 2 methods ? If I use the Raw Pack method will the
carrots come out firmer ? What is the difference in the outcome of the
carrots between the 2 methods ? Any help will be appreciated. TIA