Airline take-on box?
Dave Smith wrote:
> George wrote:
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>> Stan Horwitz wrote:
>>>> For example, if a salad or a sandwich costs an extra $1 or $2 at an
>>>> airport, is that really such a big deal?
>>> Of course not. When you have a captive audience, by all means, gouge
>>> them. They deserve it.
>> Often the blame rests squarely with the local weasel politicians who
>> add extra little "hidden" taxes on everything thinking everyone is
>> stupid and just won't notice. One of the favorites for that is
>> airports and car rentals. If you were a merchant that had say two
>> locations (one airport, one off airport) and you were hit with
>> additional "hidden" taxes and fees at the airport location would you
>> charge more at that location?
> That would be gouging. It may not be the food vendors themselves who are
> jacking up the prices in order to gouge the travellers. The airport
> authorities may be the people to blame. Food services pay rent in all
> sorts of high rent locations. Since I rarely eat any franchise type fast
> food I don't know if a place like McDonalds charges for for their
> burgers and drinks in an outlet in a mall or on a main downtown prime
> real estate location than they do in a small town setting with cheap
> rent. It has been my experience that anything you buy in an airport
> restaurant is expensive. Someone is putting the squeeze on the
> travellers and they are a captive audience.
I know something about the behind the scenes part so that is why I
mentioned who is at fault. Politicians pile on "hidden" taxes somehow
thinking everyone is stupid and the merchant takes the blame when they
are forced to be a tax collector. It is just simple economics. If you
place a "hidden" tax on a business they need to recover it.
> Some of the European airports I have been through had pretty good food
> at reasonable prices. Train stations tended to be great prices. When I
> was in Copenhagen last year we had some excellent coffee and pastries in
> the train station and for less than other places in the city. We had a
> buffet lunch in one train station for much less than it would cost in
> most restaurants.