The future 'cooks' of our Nation.....
On Sat, 5 Dec 2009 20:33:03 -0500, "pavane"
> wrote:
>"PeterL" > wrote in message ...
>| Just had a conversation with a mate (in his early 60's) who's had his
>| first computer for about 6 months and is still learning out to fly it. He
>| has internet access and he has an email address.
>| Anyhoo's, he typed up a report on his computer, printed it and wanted to
>| send me a fax!!! After a couple of explosive expletives from me, I told
>| him to email it to me. I've shown him how to do it on about 5 occasions
>| now, and he keeps forgetting as he's not using it.
>| So he says "My 16yo grandson is here, tell him what has to be done and he
>| can show me." The kid is a 'surfer dude'.
>Blah Blah Blah
>So our idiot-savant "skydiving dude" hasn't figured out yet that the
>hand-held devices are the present and future of communications, and
>the use of a silent-room pc to send attachments to emails is quite
>passé. But it is heartening that you were brave enough to chew our this
>kid who was trying to help you because he had music playing and didn't
>say "Salaam Your Majesty, Your Holiness" instead of "yep."
>Thank you so much, Your Honor, for having posted this highly important
>crap to show us how Enlightened you are. I hope you assigned the little
>demeaning brat to hell. Particularly for his arrogance. Imagine being
>proud of being promoted in one of his first jobs. The insufferable cad.
>But that's right, you never have had a job, have you?
Wow. I sure didn't get all of that out of what you quoted.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.