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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default Dinner Last Night

(brought by Christine from New Mexico)

Soy-Cured Salmon with Cilantro Creme Fraiche
(made by Lin, and yummy. Leftovers will be part of breakfast.)

Poached Scallops in Miso-Persimmon Broth
(nobody's favorite: They liked the scallops and they liked the broth, but
didn't like them together. Next time I want to pair scallops and persimmons
I'll leave out the miso. Maybe something like seared scallops with a
persimmon mignonette?)

Red Lettuce and Mandarin Salad with Crispy Onions and Verjus Vinaigrette
(nice, but not anything to write home about)

Seared Duck Breasts with Orange-Tea Sauce
(THIS was called all kinds of superlative names. It was very good.)

Steamed Carrots and Parsnips with Roasted Pecans, Meyer Lemon, and Honey
(also very nice)

Kiwi Shortcake
(made by Christine, who also added a few last-of-the-season strawberries. I
got to show off how my ISI foamer makes whipped cream.)
