In article >,
notbob > wrote:
> On 2009-12-08, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> > allowed you to "loan your book" to a friend for 14 days, after which
> > time it would disappear from their reader (had to be same kind of
> > reader, IIR.) Interesting idea.
> It's bullpucky! If I buy a book, I can do whatever the heck I choose
> with it. Sell it, give it as a gift, give to the library, etc.
> Fourteen day limit, my ass! As long as they retain ownership rights
> to a book, they can kiss mine.
Sorry, nb. When you buy a printed book, the publisher/author retains
ownership rights. It's called "copyright". If you buy one copy, have a
million printed, and try to sell them, they'll nail you. Same thing
with an ebook. You might be able to "sell" the copy you bought, but as
soon as you start making copies of it, you can get in trouble.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA