ChattyCathy > wrote:
> wrote:
> > ChattyCathy > wrote:
> >>
> >
> > My only problem with the survey is question 2. It would be
> > difficult to have not eaten some "vegan" food at some point
> > in a normal life. I mean, if I'm munching on a carrot or
> > celery stick I'm eating vegan food. Nothing special about
> > it. It doesn't have to be tofu masquerading as something
> > else to be vegan, it just has to not use animal products.
> Quite so. That's what the "Yes" option was for...
My point is that the question implys that vegan food is
something one could avoid completely and I don't see how.
I don't see how anyone could truthfully answer "No," so
why ask?
It's not important, though.
Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.