On Wed, 9 Dec 2009 10:32:06 -0800 (PST), none of your business
> wrote:
>On Dec 9, 12:25*pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>> > Nancy Young wrote:
>> >> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> >>>http://www.recfoodcooking.com
>> >> So far, 3 have voted and we all agree. *What ARE the odds??
>> >> (laugh)
>> >> I've never eaten something deliberately vegan, but certainly I have
>> >> eaten things that qualify. *As far as eating vegan at someone's
>> >> house, you wouldn't think it but I'm pretty easygoing, I'll eat
>> >> what's served, within reason. *I don't really see the problem, so
>> >> it's vegan for dinner, pass the salad. *I mean, there should be
>> >> something on the menu I wouldn't object to is what I'm getting at.
>> >> If people are vegan or vegetarian because they find eating meat to be
>> >> repulsive, I really can't see insisting it be cooked in their
>> >> kitchen. Why all the drama over one meal.
>> > That would depend on the meal. I would not object to a regular vegan
>> > meal. If it is Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter... I want meat. If it
>> > is a BBQ event, I want meat. *No burgers or wienies made out of soy.
>> > We don't try to feed vegetarians phony fruits and vegetables made out
>> > of meat. I don't want meat <?> made out of vegetables.
>> We're actually in agreement there because I don't want tofurkey
>> or any such thing. *No offense meant to anyone, I'll just have the
>> vegetables.
>> As far as meat on the holidays, it's just not a deal breaker for me.
>> I can have meat another day. *We almost didn't have turkey on
>> Thanksgiving, it wouldn't have bothered me. *We're having turkey
>> dinner today, coincidentally. *All the trimmings. *
>> nancy- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
>The real dilemma is this: an omnivore eating a vegan meal without soy
>protein fake food is not a problem because the omnivore will get their
>protein from other sources, possibly that same day, (eggs for
>breakfast?) certainly the day before and after. One meal or even one
>entire day without meat won't cause an omnivore to suffer malnutrition
>because their diet is somewhat balanced overall. The vegan relies on
>the veggie based proteins for their health. What the vegan needs to do
>when planning a meal for omnivores to enjoy is to have the vast
>majority of the dishes without the "weird vegan stuff" like tofu, soy
>burgers, etc. Most non-vegans will eat a pasta dish with vegetables in
>it. Or a rice and beans casserole. Even brown rice or barley stuffed
>peppers, for example. It's probably not a big stretch to state that
>most meat eaters are not going to be comfortable eating fake soy-meat
>as a protein source.
Knock it off with the pinheadedness, it's not a whit to do with
malnourishment... no one is malnourished from missing an occasional
meal or three. This is not about diet, it's all about choice. I know
that when I get invited to Thanksgiving dinner I may ask if one
turkey leg will be reserved for me, If I'm told there won't be any
turkey or any meat then most likely I'll politely say I won't be
attending but yoose all have a grand time, my choice.