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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Posts: 3,415
Default (2009-12-09) NS-RFC: Vegan fare

Nancy Young wrote:
> Why all the drama over one meal.

Going vegan is a political or religious decision. Politics and religion
are drama central.

There are vegatarians who believe that it's more healthy. Depending on
what they are comparing it against they might or might not be correct.
Compare against the ridiculous "Super Size Me" system and they are
correct. RFC being a bunch of foodies it is likely that nearly all of
us eat foods that are varied enough that it's incorrect.

But vegan eating is deficient in assorted essential nutrients. Careful
planning and consideration is needed to not get sick from it. Healthy
can not be in the list of considerations for a rational decision to go
vegan. Alrighty then, irrational joins the previously listed politics
and religion for drama central.

The drama is not surprising to me.