Dinner Last Night
Omelet wrote:
>> Me either Om. I can honestly say I have never even read Facebook,
>> MySpace, or Twitter. Also don't own a cell phone or any other hand held
>> device other than my Garmin Nuvi 260 and my Boy Scout compass.
> I DO own a cellphone and find it to be rather handy... and anyone that
> has the cell # is actually someone I want to talk to. <g> It has built
> in caller ID.
> But, I'm not the technophile that others are. I don't even own an iPod
> or PDA...
No iPod? I have a cell phone but with an emergency use plan. I
sometimes go a month or more without using it. My MP3 player, OTOH is
used all the time. It is great when I am out walking fore exercise. Just
turn it on and find some nice music to listen to.