On Dec 11, 12:13�pm, Mark Lipton > wrote:
> st.helier wrote:
> > All contributions and suggestions gratefully considered.
> Well, the classic pairing would be with choucroute garni, but that might
> not be your preference for this event. �Considering that you'll have a
> young, intense, bone dry Riesling with high acidity, you could consider
> any food that you'd serve with Champagne. �Lobster? �Caviar and cr me
> fraiche on blini? �Roast pork would work well, too, I'm sure.
> Mark Lipton
> --
> alt.food.wine FAQ: �http://winefaq.cwdjr.net
We usually have choucroute garni for New Years day as a traditional
"good luck" dish...I'm not sure why sauerkraut is supposed to bring
good luck but many of my friends eat it on New Years for that reason.
Clos St Hune is not my favorite match for it as the bone dryness and
acidity seems to make the kraut sharper and the acidity in the kraut
gives the wine a metallic tang. I prefer something a bit more off
dry. I also thought that kraut and pork seemed a bit heavy for a
summer dish.