Pot Roast
cshenk wrote:
<snipped for brevity>
> My vision of hell is wine cooked liver. OHMG!
Well you better hope you end up in heaven then ;-)
Anyway, we were talking about cuts of beef for pot roast cooked with
wine - not liver. FWIW, I happen to like (beef) liver (if it's not
cooked until it resembles a hockey puck); can't say I've tried it
cooked with wine - but it wouldn't surprise me if some people like that
sorta thing. And IIRC, you like cabbage; I hate the stuff (and no, I
wouldn't like 'your' cabbage either). So be it.
> 'Have you tried it' tends to set me off.
I noticed. <laugh> So you've tried liver and then decided you didn't
like it (same here with cabbage). Your choice. However, IME, some
people dislike just the 'idea' of certain foods and refuse to try them.
Hence my question.
Chatty Cathy