How do I warm cooked dungeness crab?
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How do I warm cooked dungeness crab?
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(Steve Pope) wrote:
> Manda Ruby > wrote:
> >I just bought some cooked dungeness crab. How do I warm/heat them?
> Is this crabmeat, or is it still in the shell?
> If it is still in the shell, remove the meat from the shell
> before using it in any recipe that involves heating.
> (If you need instructions on how to do this most simply
> I can dig those up.)
> Once you have cooked crabmeat, assuming you don't want to
> eat it chilled (which is, in my opinion best), heat it
> for as little time as possible. You do not want to cook
> crabcakes, crab Newburg, etc. for more than just a few minutes.
> Steve
Cooked crustacean meat gets tossed into the finished dish at the very
END of the recipe so it gets just warmed and not overcooked.
I love crab by itself for the most part. Put it into heated butter and
served on crusty Italian bread. ;-d
I made an asparagus soup recently (pics to follow eventually) and added
crab meat at the very end. It was superb. ;-d
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