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Julie Bove Julie Bove is offline
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Default What's your favorite salad?

"Ricavito" > wrote in message
On Dec 15, 10:49 pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> I was watching either a cooking or gardening show the other night (can't
> remember which) and they made a beautiful salad on a huge platter. They
> had
> just about every kind of vegetable you can imagine. They put little dabs
> all over the platter as well as three different kinds of noodles and some
> chopped peanuts. They drizzled it with a spicy Russian dressing. Looked
> really good, but I'm not sure about the peanuts and noodles and I would
> personally leave off the dressing. The only thing I like on my salad is
> lemon juice or maybe some salsa.
> Tonight I am watching Julia and Jacques. It's an old show. I've seen it
> before, but I can watch either one or both of them countless times. They
> are doing salads tonight. They will be doing a composed salad. I saw a
> picture of it and it looked really good.
> I used to love Greek salads. They're just not quite the same without the
> feta cheese on them.
> I still love salads, although I can't eat very many of them now due to the
> gastroparesis. I did have a dinner salad tonight though with plenty of
> lemon juice, salt and pepper on it. I then used the lemon slices in my
> Diet
> Coke.
> What is your favorite kind of salad?

Hey Julie, good topic. Are you and I and that doody man troll the
only folks posting here these days?

Personally I don't care for sweet or creamy style dressings. What
really makes a good salad for me is mixed bitter greens and ripe
tomates, dressed with the right proportion of the vinegar and oil for
me. My favorite salad basis is bitter greens with EVOO and vinegar or
lemon juice, and I like it more vinegary than oily, enough to make my
poor husband pucker up at the taste, LOL.

I like Greek salad when it features the above along with crisp strips
of bell pepper, cucumber, olives, etc., or Mexican-style salad with
iceberg, ripe tomato salsa, and avocado with lime juice. Yum! But
cold salads are most appealing to me in warmer weather.

I don't know if hot italian style greens and beans is considered
salad, but I think that's really good too. Wilted spinach salad (with
bacon! is good. This morning, I made another batch of kitchen sink
vegetable soup (kind of a hot salad, right? :-) and we will have it
for supper when I get home from work tonight. I have a big bunch of
argula in the fridge and am planning to serve it chopped with a big
hunk of heated up gooey goat cheese and some sun dried tomatoes in
olive oil and some preserved lemon.

I love green beans pretty much any way you fix them!


What is a composed salad? Is that like salad Nicoise or Cobb salad,
etc. made with traditional ingredients and arranged on a plate in a
traditional manner?


I've never had a Cobb salad but Nicoise would be a composed salad.


Why do we love to discuss food and recipes? I think food and family
are really linked for me, so talking about cooking brings me happy
memories and warm feelings. I've now made myself hungry, so I'd
better have some breakfast before I leave for work, LOL. Have a great


I've always loved food. As a kid I watched cooking shows and pored over
cookbooks. I purchased my first cookbook at a grocery store that is no
longer here. It cost 19 cents. Apparently I never saved up enough money to
buy the rest of the set. This one was something like letters A through C.
I made every recipe in that book, with the spiced apples being the one that
I made the most.