Christmas Breakfast Ideas?
On Dec 19, 12:30*pm, Karen > wrote:
> Hi,
> My grown kids, grandchildren, etc. are coming for Christmas breakfast
> as usual, but this year I'm having a bit more of a challenge because I
> have a vegetarian (will eat eggs, though) and also a gluten-intolerant
> guest and one who eats a high protein, low-fat diet. * I'm just
> drawing a blank here. * I used to make breakfast type casseroles and
> serve hot cinnamon rolls and pastries, etc. *Am I going to have to be
> a short-order cook and make separate breakfasts for 10 people? *
> Any ideas for a relatively easy but festive breakfast? *It would be
> nice if it could be prepared ahead of time. * I can't spend too much
> time on it because I'll have to start Christmas dinner soon after! *
> I've been quietly enjoying this newsgroup for years, but haven't had
> much occasion to ask for help, but I need your input now!
> Thanks,
> Karen
Don't knock yourself out. I'd offer scrambled eggs and some Danish.
Juice. Coffee. That's it. Take it or leave it.
Heck, you're not running a resto.