Christmas Breakfast Ideas?
Thanks so much for all the helpful ideas. I think I'm going to follow
the advice about keeping things separate and make vegetable, egg and
cheese casserole or frittata and have bacon or sausage on the side and
maybe a selection of bagels, pastries, etc. Also a fruit salad. That
way everybody will be able to eat something. I can do a good bit of
that ahead of time.
I appreciate all your input! I think I was just complicating things
in my mind, trying to think of one main dish that would accommodate
all the different diets! Thanks for helping me simplify.
On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 11:30:11 -0600, Karen > wrote:
>My grown kids, grandchildren, etc. are coming for Christmas breakfast
>as usual, but this year I'm having a bit more of a challenge because I
>have a vegetarian (will eat eggs, though) and also a gluten-intolerant
>guest and one who eats a high protein, low-fat diet. I'm just
>drawing a blank here. I used to make breakfast type casseroles and
>serve hot cinnamon rolls and pastries, etc. Am I going to have to be
>a short-order cook and make separate breakfasts for 10 people?
>Any ideas for a relatively easy but festive breakfast? It would be
>nice if it could be prepared ahead of time. I can't spend too much
>time on it because I'll have to start Christmas dinner soon after!
>I've been quietly enjoying this newsgroup for years, but haven't had
>much occasion to ask for help, but I need your input now!