An early Christmas present
gloria.p wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> Our latest great grandchild was born last night, 12/16/2009 at 10:24
>> pm CST. Molly Anne Robertson weighed in at 8 lbs, 8 ounces, and 20
>> inches long. She has her father's dark hair, a brownette versus a
>> brunette.
>> Now we have another three months to wait for the next great grandkid.
>> We are so proud that one of our greats now bears her great grannies
>> name, even if it is the middle one.
> Welcome to the world, Molly Anne.
> Congratulations to you and Miz Anne. Babies are wonderful, even if our
> visiting 6 wk. old grandson screamed half the night.
> Colicky babies are easier to deal with of they aren't yours.
> Somehow you can be more objective about the screaming.
> gloria p
I don't remember either of our babies being colicky. Of course, back
then, most mothers breast fed their babies. They always seemed to be fat
and happy babes. I wasn't always around them then because I worked shift
in a chemical plant so they may have been colicky on the nights I was
working evenings or graveyards.