lost recipe - does anyone have the recipe for "Pear Honey"
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 14:46:03 -0500, Kate Connally > wrote:
>Hi all,
>I just posted my recipe for Grittibanz which I am
>planning to make this year as gifts. I have always
>accompanied it by a batch of my Pear Honey. However
>I seem to have lost the recipe. I have searched high
>and low at home and can't find it. I know it must be
>there somewhere but is probably misfiled (I have hundreds
>of recipe cards in 4 large file boxes!) or stuck in one
>of my 100 or so cookbooks. My aunt thought I had given
>her a copy but couldn't find it. I have e-mailed by
>sister to see if I gave it to her and she still has it.
>I went online and tried to find it. I found about 10,000
>recipes called Pear Honey. And about 9,998 of them have
>pineapple or pineapple juice in them. Mine does not!!!
>The other 2 were not the same recipe. I'm going nuts here.
>I love that stuff. Everyone else loves it.
>So, does anyone out there, by any chance, happen to have
>this recipe? It is just pears, sugar, honey (I think),
>and maybe a pinch of cinnamon or lemon juice. I haven't
>made it for at least 5 years and my memory is getting
>cloudy. But it sure as hell does not have pineapple in
>it! I got this recipe from, I think, Bon Appetit over
>20 years ago, maybe as much as 30 years ago.
>Please help!
Funny, I found two in the recipes ( one I already posted ) both seem to come
from Bon Apetit 1997
Pear Honey
1 1/2 pounds pears - peeled
4 cups sugar
1 8 ounces can crushed pineapple - drained
1 tablespoon lemon zest - (yellow rind)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
Chop peeled pears and process in food processor until finely chopped. cook book
companiesChopped pears should equal 4 cups. Combine pears, sugar, drained
pineapple, lemon zest and juice in no cook play dough recipesa heavy saucepan.
Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook until sugar dissolves, stirring
often. Reduce no cook no refrigeration recipeheat and simmer 40 minutes or
until thickened, stirring often. Spoon into hot, sterilized jars, filling to
publish your own cookbook1/4- inch from top. Wipe jar rims. Cover immediately
with metal lids and screw on the bands. Process in boiling water bath 5
Yield: 3 half pints. easy recipes for kids to cook