The REAL American Pie...
brooklyn1 wrote:
> Duh'Weenie wrote:
>> Janet Breastwick told us...
>>> "Gregory Morrow" wrote:
>>>> Tis' the season for pies, but whatever happened to the once -
>>>> ubiquitous mince pie? I can't say I've even ever tasted one....
>>> It wasn't part of my family tradition, but I did acquire a recipe
>>> from a friend and made it once long ago. It was o.k., but it never
>>> interested me to make it again.
>>> Janet
>> It's long been one of my favorites that I make at Thanksgiving and
>> Christmas. I actually only make the mincemeat one a year,
>> prefereably at the end of the the previous Christmas season. I
>> think mincemeat pie has lost favor with the American public in
>> general, but it's still very popular in the UK, more in tarts than
>> in full size pies.
>> * Exported from Keyboard Kook *
>> Holiday Minced Boy Meat
>> 1 Grungy Apple -- cored and dicked, small
>> 8 Jars Sweet Suet Lube
>> 2 Seedless Testicles
>> 1 Towelhead Sultana -- (golden showered)
>> 12V Rectum Current
>> 1 Very Fine Candied Infant Penis
>> 1 Dark Brown Sweet Anus
>> 1 Crate Black Mooslum Fags -- dicked, large
>> 1 cup Dyke Juice
>> 1 cup ******* Juice
>> 2 Dago Lips, waxed
>> 1/4 Cup Southern Smegma
>> 1/2 Teaspoon grated Dwarf Sqwartz
>> 1/4 Teaspoon grated No Legs Mick
And didja notice up there how Lil' Wayne BARGED into the thread with his
pussified __MINCING__ recipe without even reading the original article that
I so kindly provided...
He really is in the "hopeless case" category, lol...