I hate baking cookies!
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Tedious, time-couming, and boring, AFAIC. I used to bake 10-12 types of
> holiday cookies years ago, but gradually got away from it. I'd much rather
> bake cakes, pies, and tarts.
> However, David wanted some home baked cookies for tomorrow, so I gave in
> and baked tonight. His favorite...simple...chocolate chip cookies without
> nuts.
> I baked a batch of those for him. Then, using the same dough recipe, I
> omitted the chocolate chips and added 1-1/2 cups each of dried cranberries
> and pecan pieces. Taste, if plain looking.
> I also baked a large batch of those molasses ginger crinkle cookies.
> Again, simple, but one of my favorites.
Baking several different cookies can be time consuming. Over the years,
I have learned to make the dough then refrigerate or freeze it for later
use. I baked some cookies then froze them, not expecting the "cookie
rat" which attacked my cookies this year. lol Next year, I will keep
the dough frozen and bake them whenever I can keep an eye on them.