?What to do with a well-done and ......
Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Sky > wrote:
> > ...... over-cooked standing rib (beef) roast? I'm curious because I
> > don't know of any remedies that work? How does one rescue an
> > over-cooked prime rib roast? And I mean a hefty one too - about
> > 10-pounds worth!!!!! Something like that. TIA.
> >
> > Sky
> >
> > P.S. It wasn't "my" beast!
> Good thing! If it was a little overdone, you can just grit your teeth
> and eat it. Cooking it to well done, especially on purpose, is grounds
> for being banished from the group.
> Two suggestions:
> 1. beef hash
> 2. feed it to the dog
Alas, the 'roast beast' was beyond redemption, IMNSHO. Methinks the
"leftovers" will get fed to the resident hounds :/ Lucky critters,
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