In article >,
Sky > wrote:
> Dan Abel wrote:
> >
> > In article >,
> > Sky > wrote:
> >
> > > ...... over-cooked standing rib (beef) roast? I'm curious because I
> > > don't know of any remedies that work? How does one rescue an
> > > over-cooked prime rib roast? And I mean a hefty one too - about
> > > 10-pounds worth!!!!! Something like that. TIA.
> > >
> > > Sky
> > >
> > > P.S. It wasn't "my" beast!
> >
> > Good thing! If it was a little overdone, you can just grit your teeth
> > and eat it. Cooking it to well done, especially on purpose, is grounds
> > for being banished from the group.
> >
> > Two suggestions:
> >
> > 1. beef hash
> > 2. feed it to the dog
> Alas, the 'roast beast' was beyond redemption, IMNSHO. Methinks the
> "leftovers" will get fed to the resident hounds :/ Lucky critters,
> eh?!
It seems like there must be *something* to do with it. How about soup?
Or some other kind of moist heat cooking that will bring back the
tenderness. It's not possible to "fix" it, but perhaps moist heat would
make something edible.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA