?What to do with a well-done and ......
brooklyn1 wrote:
> Didn't consume but like half that nine pound so-called Premium Grade
> store brand ham, no one liked it, not my guests, not me, not my cats.
> This morning I sliced as much meat as I could off the bone in large
> chunks and tossed them and the bone outside in my back yard... wasn't
> a minute a murder of crows congregated for a union meeting...
Isn't it a shame to go to all that work and be disappointed?
I bought a spiral-sliced Hormel Cure 81 ham that someone had
raved to me about, "Better than Honey-Baked," they said.
Not. I cooked it exactly to the package directions. It was
merely OK, not very flavorful even with a glaze, nothing to write
home about. Too bad, but people did eat it along with oven-baked
sweet potato wedges, asparagus, and a nice salad with young
greens and grilled, panko-ed goat cheese.
When we had Christmas at our house the weekend before, we had a
wonderful grilled beef tenderloin roast. Now THAT tasted like
gloria p