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Default ?What to do with a well-done and ......

Brawny wrote:
> On Dec 27, 1:40 am, Dan Abel > wrote:
> > In article >,
> > for being banished from the group.
> >
> > Two suggestions:
> >
> > 1. beef hash
> > 2. feed it to the dog

> That would be some pretty expensive dog food....a ten pounder around
> here would fetch about 120 bucks for that size roast.
> When you have lemons, you make lemon aid. Many things come to
> mind. Beef with egg noodles, and here are 1100 other recipes. I
> don't have the time right now to do your homework...but you can start
> here.
> .....btw.....since you feel the roast was a total ruin...what did you
> substitute for the Pièce de résistance at such a late moment?

Thanks for the link and suggestions. I imagine the 'beast' was fed to
the (2) dogs -- literally! -- but I'm unsure of that because I was not
the hostess nor was I the cook. Cooking is a lot like cutting hair,
eh??? It's so much easier to cook a little bit at a time (or snip off a
little at a time) than to over-cook anything (or over-cut hair!)! I'd
rather have a nearly rare beast that needs a wee bit more cooking than a
roast that had its goose cooked to ruin. But, as with anything, it's
always the effort that counts, eh? And, it was the family Christmas
Dinner. There was no substitution. I just wish the hostess/cook
(family relative) had accepted my offer to make gravy!


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