?What to do with a well-done and ......
Dave Smith wrote:
> Steve Pope wrote:
> > Sky > wrote:
> >
> >> ...... over-cooked standing rib (beef) roast? I'm curious because I
> >> don't know of any remedies that work? How does one rescue an
> >> over-cooked prime rib roast? And I mean a hefty one too - about
> >> 10-pounds worth!!!!! Something like that. TIA.
> >
> > Can't be done. It can be used, like in burritos or something.
> > But its role as a rib roast is kaput, finito.
> Make lots of gravy and have hot roast beef sandwiches.
My offer to make my 'special' gravy for dinner was not accepted. I wish
it had been. The more than well-done beast would've gone down a lot
less 'dry' if there had been some tasty gravy.
Sky, ever the carnivore
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